The Toronto Public Library is one of my favourite things. I love books, even though I haven't had much time to read them lately; well, except baby related books. Anyone who has never been a parent will be flabbergasted at the number of books out there on every baby-related topic you can think of: potty training, sign language for babies, baby food, sleep training, general baby care. The list is really endless. Sorry, I digress. Back to the library.
Now that we've got a kid, and my income drastically cut while I'm on mat leave, I'm very conscious of the money we're spending. While I was wandering through Chapters one day, it hit me that, for the same distance from my house to the Chapters, I could go to a local library. Why hadn't I thought of it sooner?!
Behold what knitterly goodies that can be found at the library!

These were books that I just found in the library at random, and all books that I had been curious about. I got to flip through, find out if I really liked the majority of the patterns or not, and then figure out if it'd be something I'd want to invest in. I also found these:

I was really happy to find these two because I've been thinking about how to get over second sock syndrome. I mostly wanted to learn the technique, rather than having more sock patterns, so the library was the perfect solution! I had to put a hold on the toe-up sock book, but that just made me realize how much I loved the library. If they don't have the book you're looking for, they'll get it for you, and all for free!
One more thing that I love about the library? They have wonderful programs for moms and babies. Andrew and I really enjoyed Babytime, and we're a little sad that it's over until January. You can bet we'll be lining up to sign up again. (Just a note for any T.O. parents who might be reading this - Runnymede library needs a sign up, but lots of other libraries don't. Check with your local one to be sure) We learned all sorts of kiddie rhymes and songs, and I continue to use them now to keep Andrew entertained at home. However, the babe was not always so amused.

That's Andrew sleeping through his very first session of Babytime. Haha!
Up next: Halloween! (Yeah, I know...Kinda late, but some of these photos are just too cute not to share)