Friday, April 30, 2010

Does this count as an FO? Or is it more a WIP?

So, Jamie and I finally finished a project that we started 9 months ago. Or, maybe we've just started the biggest project of our lives that will forever be a WIP.

Say hello to Andrew Chang Jien (張健) Wells. Born at 5:09am on April 29 after a long early labour (over 24 hours), but fast active labour (just under 4 hours). He came just in time for me to avoid an induction; even avoided taking castor oil. He cost Daddy $5 in a bet based around his due date, but maybe that's just his way of punishing Dad for making a bet on him.

This is gonna be the best project ever.


Adrienne said...

Hey, what are you doing BLOGGING the day after you've given birth?!?

Seriously though, congratulations! I'm so glad Andrew has finally made his entrance into the world, he's a lucky little guy with awesome parents and yes, I'm sure this will be your most amazing project ever. =)

Alice said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful!