I apologize for the terrible lighting of the photo. the colours don't look quite that...uh...yellow and sickly. And just as a side note, the completed dark row is actually navy blue, while the dark row that is still in progress is actually black.
All in all, I'm enjoying my crochet experience so far. My tension is a little flaky sometimes, and its' taking me some time to be able to 'read' my work the way I can 'read' my knitting, but I figure it just takes time and practice.
Fun ripply blanket! Ohh, now I want to learn how to crochet so I can make a ripple blanket of my own.
As for wonky tension, I'm sure it's nothing that a nice blocking can't fix! =)
Your crochet looks great. I bet this is going to turn out great!
Crochet really isn't as intimidating as I thought it would be, so would totally recommend giving it a try. There are some times when I don't follow the pattern 100% and do it more by eye, but it seems to be working out.
Thanks so much! I'm really enjoying working on it. I'll be sure to show the finished product! And thanks for commenting too!
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