Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I was thinking...

Yeah...I know..."What? Karen was thinking?"... but I really needed to figure out what to do with all that pinky-rose mohair stuff that I have. And I think I've got it! I've decided to give away the red kitty hat that I'm making. I have a friend that is going back to Japan to live, so I think I'll give it to her. Then, I'm going to make a whole set of stuff for myself with the mohair. I'm going to try to make a kitty hat out of it, some wrist warmers, and a scarf. I'm not sure what kind of pattern I want to use on the scarf, but I'm thinking of something with big needles, and maybe a bit lacy. What do you think? Do you think the kitty ears will stand up okay? Is mohair too itchy for a scarf? Ahhhhh! I'm thinking again!!! Just when I thought I had everything decided....*sigh*

Comments welcomed!!!


Adrienne said...

So have you decided for sure that you're not going to make Grace?

I think the mohair would make for a fun winter set, and if it's not too scratchy when you rub the ball against your cheek, it's probably perfectly fine for a scarf. =) If the kitty ears don't stand up with the mohair you could always just leave them off too, unless you *really* want to have cat ears, then I wonder if a bit of hard paper or cardboard between the two ear-pieces would help to reinforce it at all?

Karen said...

You know, I will probably make Grace one of these days, but just not with that yarn. I've got so many other projects that I need to get through first. I also really like Blaze, from the newest issue of Knitty, but don't know when I'm going to get to that one.

Yeah...I think I'll give those items a shot with the mohair. I may not be finished until next winter though! HA HA HA!!!

Adrienne said...

Oh, I love Blaze too! I also really like Clapotis, except I think I have far too many scarves already. I need to stop thinking about scarves/hats/accessories and focus more on larger knitted items. =)